Thursday, October 6, 2022

I did it!  I figured out how to submit a book to a publisher and got it done.  Now, they have to say “No.”  Or, by some miracle, say “Yes.”  That is where all of you come in.  I need some prayer.

It is the story of my brother’s life in China.  Eight people have read it, pushed me to do something with it, helped me edit, and finally, Carolyn hit me over the head with words of encouragement and wouldn’t let go of it.  I spent the last week editing (editing can go on for the rest of your life because it is never going to be perfect) and finally Carolyn forced me let go of it.  I was afraid she was going go quit on me if I didn’t do something.

It is good.  I got to the last paragraph and began to cry---I was so moved by what my brother had done with his life.  The fact that I had been able to write it in a way that did him justice was satisfying as well.

I lost a hundred pounds of emotional weight when I hit the “send” button.  My daughter Becky says her favorite word is “Done.”  I think I am going to agree.  It is done.  Hallelujah, Praise God Almighty.  Free at last.  I can’t get it back and change anything.  Without Carolyn, I would have diddled with it forever.

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