Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I have got to got to get my act together.  My system  and the order of what I do in the morning isn’t working.  Too many of you are having to remind me to post---which I  been doing over 2500 times.  I’m trying (!) to do better.  But....

Have you ever been consumed by something you are trying to get done?  That’s where I am.  I had to write a resume...which I had never done before...the college  hired me to teach math for 20 years without one--I guess because they knew me and what I could do.  Who knows.  But this publishing company wanted one--and so I did it last week.  It took a week because  I had never reviewed myself, what I do, what I have done, who I am, or what my talents are.  I guess I just floated through life?  I found it very difficult.

And then, they wanted referrals from people in the business.  I don’t know anyone in the business of writing novels.  And they want email addresses...which I’m not going to give them!  I would lose all my friends if I did that.  Anyway, I spent a lot of time staring at my computer screen, frustrated.  It was much, much, much harder than writing the books.

I would have given up, but this publishing company is interested, and the story of my brother’s life underground in China setting up medical clinics for the Communists so he could use them to establish underground churches is too important a story to give up on.  He should have been dead a dozen times at least.  The publisher wants one chapter to read.  I chose the one where he got into a war zone, set up a tent to treat people, and the commander of an army brought his dying father to be treated, implying that Bill had to cure him or he would kill Bill.  That story was a tie with the chapter where the war in Viet Nam was raging, he was in a medical tent when a bomb hit, and he had to wade out through swamp and spent the evening picking leaches off of his legs. Or....or....or...it goes on and on.  I’m trying to get it out there.

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