Friday, October 7, 2022

It is time to start diddling with another book that I have finished, editing, revising and finishing it.  About Ken.  One chapter is about his invitation to join the Blue Angels.  They had shut down during the Korean War, were reactivating, and gave one slot to a Marine traditionally.

Ken said no, he wanted to do something useful for the Corps--those of you who knew him would understand. (He thought the Blues were a traveling show living out of a suitcase--and he had already done all of the precision flying he wanted to do as well as fighting in Korea for a year.)  So he said no, and suggested his best friend Pete for the job.  Zeke was leading the group at the he called Pete and asked if he wanted to join them as they reactivated the Blues.

Pete had been assigned a job in DC.  Hated it.  Dress uniform every day and very little flying.  He took the job.  Solo for the Blues.  And rolled an F-9 into a dune at Corpus Christi while they were practicing.  If I hadn’t started writing the book, there would have been no record that he ever flew with the Blues.  I got my son Scott on it.  He knew who to call to get the history of Pete and a record of his role with the Blues into the records. So when you Google Pete...and the Blues, he will be remembered.


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