Monday, October 10, 2022

I am tired of springing forward and falling back.  I just want someone to decide what time it is and leave it alone.  It helps some people I am sure, but for most of us it just drives us crazy.

I like knowing when the sun comes up it is a certain time.  I like knowing when the sun goes down that bedtime is a certain amount of time away.  I like the changing hours of darkness and light as the days grow longer and the days grow shorter.

It reminds me that the world is rotating on its axis and God knows what he is doing to keep spring and winter within their bounds in Oklahoma.

You may like it, but....I don’t particularly care which way they set it, I would just like to have it one way or the other and leave it alone.

That said, It is growing dark right now. By 7:30 it will be totally dark.  When they change it to “fall back” it is going to be 6:30 instead when it is dark.  That’s awfully early for the sun to go down.

Thing is, I didn’t even get to vote on it.  Someone, somewhere, made the decision for somebody that wanted daylight “savings” time.  I haven’t saved any time.  I don’t know about you.  Maybe those people who need more sunlight in the morning, and the other group who need more sunlight at evening time could get together and come up with something that would be acceptable to both sides.  I’m not holding my breath.

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