Friday, October 14, 2022

I guess it is obvious by now that I am not blogging every day.  I’m trying to get back in the groove...but the queries to the publishers and answering their replies has got me down.

I do not like the process of doing it.  Paper work.  (Now that would be email stuff.)  I never could have been a secretary who dealt with details and order.  I’ve told you before that I hold the world record  in procrastination. 

And I write notes on the back of anything that is paper, envelops, bills, Anderson Window ads.  Whatever...and can’t find what I wrote.

I have a goal of one query a day to a publisher.  And if they require an agent, I mark them off.  It means their company is too large to deal with me.  I need a small company who will get something printed.  

Money-making does not attract me any more.  I have enough--which means that I can cover my bills and go out to eat a couple of times a week.  The thing I want is for the story of my brother Bill to be heard.  The story of Ken to be heard.  Some lives should be remembered for what they did.

I’m trying.  It isn’t working very well.  I don’t have a lot to work with when it comes to working with me.  I’m the problem.

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