Friday, October 28, 2022

So, the words Spirit, Holy Spirit, God’s gift, etc. through the book of Romans have been colored in blue.  We will finish the New Testament soon.  It became obvious that the book of Acts holds the record number of those notations--by far.

And since Luke wrote the book of Acts, it is an interesting take on what was important to him.  He had never met Jesus, so the Holy Spirit was of critical importance for him to.  (As it is to us.) He mentioned how people received the Spirit, where they were when the Spirit came, what they were doing at the time, and how the Spirit changed their lives.

Luke is my favorite New Testament person...Paul is my favorite writer.  Luke is very exact--he was a physician and always got the “prescription” correct.  Although I am sure Luke knew the disciples and heard what they had to say, Luke went to the source, the women, to get his stories about Jesus--Martha and Mary. He records their experiences and the story of Herod killing the babies, the birth of Christ, the shepherds, and wise men.  Other writers don’t do that.

It has been an interesting experience for me to color words in my Bible.  “Faith” is purple, “The kingdom of God” is in yellow, “Priest and High Priest,” are in orange...and so on.  Now when I read, I am much more aware of the author, and his word preference and subject preference.  Note that Paul uses the word “mystery” over and over again.  To him, it is no longer the priests and the law, it is the indwelling Spirit--and he calls that the mystery that God has hidden from the ages only to reveal to us with the resurrection.  “Christ in you...the hope of glory.”

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