Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I sincerely thank all of you who stay with my blog as I get erratic in my schedule.  Today I got up really early, took Squig to the groomer, left him there and drove to Luther.  I needed help writing a “cover-letter” a publisher wanted.  Pat is my go-to gal for computer stuff.  And since she works in the library, I can sit there and work on writing and when I get stuck, I can ask questions. (Thank Carnegie for our National Library system.)

And then, on the way home, I got a dash board light about my tires, and any time that happens I go into apoplexy.  I don’t do dash lights.  And I just got new tires anyway.

I was so bumfuzzled that I forgot to go out and get the newspaper, do my crossword and cryptogram.  It is now four in the afternoon, and I just brought the paper in.

And then, AT&T, my least favorite company in the world, has raised my “bundle” that is supposed to save me money by $45.  Why?  They don’t seem to know.  And nobody I get speaks English--I take that back.  They read it, they just don’t understand the questions I ask.  I think I’m being forced to have 5G. ??? 

And Becky Bacon just called to ask why I hadn’t blogged...and her eyes are doing remarkably well.  Which means she won’t be coming to see her Okla. City doctor.  I told her she needed to get a new disease so she will have to come stay with me!!  (I may have to drive to Pryor. I miss my Pryor friends.)  Tomorrow, I will go get the paper first thing and then blog.  I promise.  Unless I forget again.  The cure for forgetfulness is to quit having birthdays which is too drastic a solution.

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