Thursday, October 27, 2022

 I am on point today.  Even though the girls came to clean the house, I didn’t let it interfere with my schedule list!  Even though Squig got up three times in the night to go outside and of course I am sleepy....I’m doing the next thing on the!

Today, I am going to color in blue all the times in the Word where the Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, etc. is mentioned in the book of Acts.  My friend Jeanette has prodded me because I mentioned it Sunday in class and she has already got it done.  She said that she would walk me through it.  And she has already done the entire Bible!!!

The reason I mentioned it Sunday was because of the discrepancies in the book of Acts as to how, when, where etc. the Spirit comes into our lives.  Of course we believe that we receive God’s Spirit when we allow Him--through repentance and our belief in the death of Jesus for our sins, and his resurrection.

And we believe that the Spirit is the Life within us.  And we believe that God breathed into Adam the breath of “Life.”  But that after Adam and Eve disobeyed, sin entered the world,  and people were subsequently born dead in trespasses and sin--without the Spirit of God within them.  We needed a redeemer.

However, read the Book of Acts and pay attention to the subject of the Spirit.  Let me know if you have an epiphany.  I know believers have the Spirit.  That’s all I need to know, but I’m curious about the book of Acts and the written record of what happened to the new believers back then.  Curiosity is like the itch.

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