Thursday, October 20, 2022

It is 8 PM in the evening, and Rebecca Perkins texted, “You didn’t blog today.” friends.  You keep me balanced.

I spent the entire day trying to write a proposal for this book about my brother.  Then realized it was supposed to start with a thesis statement.  I condensed two pages down to two sentences.  It is the hardest writing I have ever done.  

I spent hours and hours doing it.  I live for adjectives, and I had to eliminate all of them.  And of course, getting up every fifteen minutes to eat something bad for me. 

By this time every night, my neighbor across the street has called to tell me to turn my porch lights on.  All of you, my friends, take care of me.  Oh my!! How God has blessed me.  It’s becoming obvious that I can’t make it without all of you.  Kathy Davidson called this morning.  Becky Bacon did as well.  And Jeanette, Jamie and Carol picked me up and took me to lunch.  It is called assisted living in your own home!

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