Friday, June 12, 2015

1 John 1:5 "And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all."

1 John 4:12 "No one has beheld God at any time....

I once had a friend who said, "The reason we can't see God is because he is light.  He is all around us, revealing every thing we see.  He is everywhere.  He is in everything and illuminates everything.  We want to picture Him as looking like us, but He doesn't look like us.  You can't 'see' light.  It just "is." It allows us to function."

I have wondered about that.  How many times in the Bible does it say, "God is light?"  Dozens and dozens of times.  And light is everywhere at once.  It touches everyone at the same time.  We are bathed in light every morning.

I don't know what God looks like.  I am not able to tell if those passages are to be taken literally, or if they are just an analogy.  But I know what God feels like.  I know how He sounds.  And no, it is not a literal "feeling".  It is not a literal "voice."  But I know it when He speaks to me.  I know it is Him.

He loves me.  And sometimes He likes me.  I'm trying to be the kind of person that he will like.  I don't want to embarrass Him.  I go by His name.  Christ-ian.

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