Monday, June 29, 2015

I was really happy this morning when I woke up because it was Sunday and I was ready to make a decision about this church.  I had decided that if I was still as enthusiastic about the small group classes as I had been the previous three weeks, that I would go ahead and join.   (I had visited three different small groups.)  So, I did.  That decision is made.  I like the pastor.  The people are very friendly.  And they dress "Down" rather than "Up" so that you don't feel uncomfortable.

There is a question that Christians might ask you from time to time.  It is, "Are you saved?"  A strange question to someone who has no scriptural background.  You might ask, "Saved from what?"  Or, "I didn't know I needed saving."  I wonder if there isn't a better way to ask that question.  I have been asking those that I meet (after an appropriate length of time) "Are you a Christian person?"

Salvation is a funny thing.  You have to know you are "lost" before God can rescue (save) you.  And humans are notorious for ignoring God--and his demands on our lives.  Humans don't want to give anyone charge over their lives.  They want to do what they want to do.

But if you come to the end of your ability to control your life, to control your impulses, to control your mouth, or your attitude, you might just be ready to ask God, "Okay, what do you want from me."  At least that is a good place to start.  You are going to have to speak to Him one way or another.  Now, or after this life is over.

Romans 10:9-10 "...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. (There is that word, "saved") For with the heart man believes unto righteousness: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  The word is a Biblical one.   Human beings are lost.  Only God can save them from themselves.

An interesting point in that scripture:  The resurrection is a critical point of faith.

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