Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Every now and then on Sunday, in the class I teach, someone asks a question that gets me going.  Any "If /then" type of question will do it.  can't help myself.  Scientific theory is in my nature.  Basically the question on Sunday was: "Are there things that God can't do, or is he all powerful?"   The correct answer is: there are any number of things that God can't do.  One example is in Titus 1:2. "This truth gives them (Christians) confidence that they have eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised..." God can't lie.  He won't break a promise.

As you search scripture you will find many other things God can't do.  He can't force you to obey him or force you to believe that Jesus is His Son...and on and on.  He has given us free will.  But many people still think God can do anything.  Scripture doesn't support that.

If you start with the premise that the Bible is God's word, and that God doesn't lie, you reach a logical conclusion that God is holy.  He cannot sin.  He is Pure.  Honest.  Trustworthy.  We can go on and on about His attributes.  He does exactly what he says he will do.  He described himself simply as "I am."  And because he cannot deny Himself, there are many things he cannot do.

In class, I shared something I had once done, and one of my members asked "Didn't God know ahead of time what you were going to do?"  It started a discussion about: Can God choose "not to know" something?"  For instance, does he know from the instant a life is conceived whether that person will accept Him?  If He knows, then, does that person have free will?

I personally find nothing in God's nature that wouldn't let Him choose "not to know."  Others disagreed.  "But," I asked, "Since God is the author of life, wouldn't that make God a murderer if he was bringing someone into the world that He knew was condemned for Hell?"

Those kinds of questions make you think about life at the moment of conception.  About life in general.  About free will.  And on and on.  I know what I think.  But I can't back it up with Scripture so there is no point in belaboring abstractions that don't have answers.  God is good.  That's what we know for sure.  He will always do what is right.  

There are lots of questions that don't have answers.  One thing we all agreed on is that God is God, and we aren't.  He will always do what is right because it is His nature.  God, is good.  All the time.

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