Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The people in the United States aren't the same as they used to be.  They don't have a common moral standing.  Yelling, screaming, shooting people, bullying people at school, sassing teachers, cursing and foul language, disrupting organizational meetings, disrupting family gatherings, rioting, setting things on fire--I could go on and on.  Whatever they feel like, they do.  No boundaries.

Those kinds of things rarely happened when I was growing up.  I know that sounds unbelievable to most people, but it's the truth.  I never heard anyone say a bad word when I was growing up--but once, when I was nine.  My cousin and I came into my aunt's house covered in mud with our clothes torn.  And tracked mud on the floor.  She apologized after she said the bad word, and cleaned us up.

Now, from kindergarten on up, kids use every foul word you can think of.  And teachers hands are tied.  There can't be discipline for the purpose of correction when parents don't agree on who gets to decide what is right and wrong--it isn't the teachers or the school anymore.  People sue each other over nothing.  They don't seem to agree on who has the right to decide.  They want to fight.

People don't agree on a common moral base.  And if you don't have a common authority as to what is acceptable, and what isn't, people do whatever they feel like with no regard to others.  Especially without regard to women and children.  Call me old-fashioned, but women and children used to be considered special.  Nowadays, women curse as bad as men.  Why would anyone respect women like that.  And the internet is awash with filth. It's depressing.

When the Biblical studies of history were removed from the schools, we lost our moral base.  Say what you will, but the guidelines God set forth were for the common good.  Even if you aren't a Christian or a Jew.  People back in the 40's agreed that God's guidelines were just.  And fair.  And good for society.  Now we have war, wars and rumors of wars.  In the 60's, young people declared that "God was dead."  And began to live without any rules for their lives.  Without any authority.  I thought it was just a phase and would pass.  No. It got worse.  The Bible tells us what happened to the Jews when they took that path... Judges 21:25.  "In those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit."  And their nation fell apart.  We need someone with moral authority to guide us.  God is a good place to start.

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