Friday, November 9, 2018

Well, I blew it.  I forgot to post.  Does that mean I've lost my faculties?  Mercy I hope not.  I had two back to back appointments early this morning and I guess I made a wheel's up landing.

For those of you who don't remember what I wrote about that from Ken's point of view, it went like this.  A fighter pilot has a take off, and a landing check list.  If something interrupts your sequence, any number of things can happen.  The tower is in charge  of visual checks of an incoming fighter pilot for landing--and if the pilot is distracted by battle damage, low fuel, etc., the pilot can miss a point in his check list--like lowering his wheels.  It happens.  "But not to me," Ken said.

I can't remember where he was, but he told it like this:  "Colonel, lower your wheels," from the tower.  "They're down," Ken replied.  "Colonel, check your wheels."  As Ken told it, "I was a few seconds from landing.  I had gone through an extensive check list for landing and knew I had lowered my wheels in the check.  But I hadn't.  I would have bet my life my wheels were down--and I almost did."

So this morning, I went through my morning check list, and would have sworn that I had lowered my wheels.  I didn't.

I'll do better next week.

We are having a hard freeze tonight.  I will go through my check list and double check that I have unhooked the hoses outside.

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