Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Snow.  Less than an inch, but it set a new record for Edmond, and Oklahoma City.  And at my house, we set a new record as well:  Squig stepped right out into it, stuck his nose in it, wandered all over the back yard and around the fence line--before he came in to tell me that we had snow.  (As if I didn't know).  And did I want to come outside with him and play in it??

This is the same dog that ten years ago, when we lived in Pryor, would literally shake and shiver when he saw snow.  The same dog  that I had to pick up toss him out into it or he wouldn't "go."  The same dog that still is terrified of rain.  Rain freaks him out.  Snow is now his friend.  Maybe there is hope for him yet.

My friend Rebecca Perkins came over this morning and visited for a while.  She is a treasure.  I met her at a book conference.  Smart, funny, and cheerful.  I need all of those kind of friends I can get.

Carolyn calls and we talk almost every day.  When I "hang up," I can't tell you a thing we talked about.  I need those kinds of friends as well.

Jeanine, from across the street checks each morning to see if I have turned off my outside lights--and if I haven't, she comes to check on me.  I need those kinds of friends, too.  Her husband Dean is always ready to help me.  Yesterday, he loaded five boxes of tile that I returned to the tile shop for a refund.  They were too heavy for me to lift.  I am so very appreciative of that kind of friend.

Tony said he would come back and do a dozen or so small jobs for me--so make a list.  He's my right hand man friend.  And of course his two sons.  Austyn reads my blog every day.  A thirteen year old kid reads my blog!!  What a blessing to have him and twin brother Tyler as my friends.

And Linda, next door, brings me wonderful meals at least twice a week.  Her husband John (a realtor) fixed my car-stop-tennis-ball-thing-a-ma-jig in the garage.  He helped me sell and buy my houses.

Jeanette just gave me her brand new cheetah-fuzzy robe to keep me warm this winter.  I could go on and on.  I am so blessed.  Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.

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