Monday, November 19, 2018

So you got a post by accident on Saturday.  I hit the wrong button. I was aiming for the spell check and missed.  I was trying to get ahead on writing so that I wouldn't have so much to do during Thanksgiving week.

I'm in charge of the dressing (my grandmother's recipe) and making the giblet gravy.  I spent the weekend cutting up celery.  I usually do it in the processor, but it isn't as good.  So I broke down and cut it up into tiny pieces.  Everyone usually asks if there is any of "my" blood in the dressing.  They've watched me cut up onions and celery before.  (There probably is.)

I have done such a good job of taking off all my extra pounds this year.  But then Thanksgiving rolls around and I'm afraid I'll put them back on.  I only needed to lose ten or eleven, which I did.  I don't know how in the world people who are forty or fifty pounds overweight can deal with it.  Losing ten was really hard.  I dearly love to eat.  There are only two things I don't really care for.  Milk or  milk products (ice cream, yogurt, etc.) and cinnamon.  But I like cinnamon rolls.  Go figure.

I love nutmeg.  And will drink a malt if I can top it with a bunch of nutmeg.   I keep nutmeg in the glove compartment of my car.  When I was a little girl, my daddy would take me to get my shots and when I was good, afterwards we would split a strawberry malt with nutmeg on top.  It is my only "Milk related" thing that I love.  I am sure it is because it brings back a memory.  My dad was the one who took me "here and there" for things like shots.  Mom didn't do that kind of stuff.

My friend Jeanette had a party for my class a week ago.  She bakes pies.  She likes to bake pies.  The entire class is content to let her do it--if we get to eat them.  I was going to have the party here, but couldn't get my act together so she did it for me.  (We have a pot-luck once a month.)  I'll do it in January.  Surely I will have all my pictures on the wall by then.  All the major projects around here      are done.  All that's left is piddling stuff.  And I know how to piddle around.

My class is practicing saying "God bless you" to everyone they meet.  Trying to make a new habit.  You have to practice--when you are making a new habit--until it comes naturally.  And you can do it.  And whether you are losing ten or fifty pounds, it's still one pound at a time.

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