Thursday, November 1, 2018

Once again, my house is torn to pieces.  The master bath has been gutted.  It would have been done months ago, but Tony, who does my remodeling, has been torn up himself and is two months behind on his word schedule.  Austyn, his son, was in that terrible wreck that killed his grandfather---and Tony's entire family has been putting their lives back together.  In as much as they can.

But today, all the demolition is done, the soaker tub is in, and the floor tile is going down.  Hopefully, by next Friday, it will be finished.  I do not have the patience that I had three months ago when I redid the other house.  And the entire "moving at the same time you are remodeling" project has worn me down.  I want to go back to whatever is normal--or some equivalent of normal.

There are still drapes to be hung.  Small jobs that I am going to do someday when I feel like it--which may not happen until next year.  Or ever.

I don't have the patience that I had three years ago when I moved to Edmond.  I wear out quicker and give up more easily.  And then I sit down and watch Hallmark movies for awhile.  And sometimes fall asleep in the middle.  They are all alike.  You know how they are going to end.

Patience.  I remember Ken's mother telling me: "Don't ever pray for patience!!  You are only asking for trouble if you ask for patience."  I was reminded of that while teaching the letter James wrote.  He said in James 1:3-4 Know this: the trying of your faith causes patience.  But let patience have her perfect work..."  Ken's mom said, "When you pray for patience, you just get more tribulation."

The next verse, however, says what you should be praying for instead.  "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally..."  So, don't ask for patience, ask for wisdom.  Patience is a learned skill.  It's sometimes referred to as "maturity."

I'm feeling very mature lately.  I'm certainly wiser than I used to be.  I am never going to move again of my own free will.  They are going to have to carry me out of this house in a box.

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