Friday, November 23, 2018

I have never gone shopping--that I remember--on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  As a matter of fact, I very seldom shop.  Except at the grocery store, or at Lowes for gardening stuff.  It seems to be a sport for some people.  They want the lowest price for something--even if they don't need it.  I think it is a game.  Black Friday has become an American tradition.  Crazy. I do better if I go to the store with a list and don't make any impulse purchases.

The noise you hear when you step out your front door today is a collective groan all across America from people who ate too much yesterday--and that includes me.

Our dinner was so noisy with seven children yelling, and everyone talking at once, that I didn't hear much of anything.  Some people I didn't get to talk to at all.  The variety of people who come from year to year is such a random mix, that some people don't see each other for a number of years.  I love to hear them laugh when they meet up. "You grew up!!"  or "What happened to your hair."  or "I didn't know you got a new job!"  And so on.

One sad thing happened.  My friend Rebecca is moving back to Dallas.  I hate it when my people leave.  I like my life just like it is.  I really don't like things to change.  I now understand the saying that "old people are set in their ways."  You better believe it.  Being set in my ways is delightfully comfortable.

When I straighten up, or reposition something in my house (something that has been in a certain place forever) to a better location, I never can find it later.    I had two copies of the book I wrote.  One copy is at the publisher.  Rebecca wanted to read it so I looked all over for the second copy.  Moving from one house to another has caused me to lose a zillion things as well.  They are all here, but where did I put them?  She helped me look, and we finally found the book.  Unsettling.

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.  

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