Monday, November 12, 2018

I went to a connection group party at Jeanette's house Saturday, and when I got home, my next door neighbor sent a plate over with BBQ ribs, baked beans, mac and cheese, fried okra, etc..  I bet I gained three pounds over the weekend.  And I have enough leftovers for a couple of days as well.
The plate was delivered by an angel.  Austyn.  He said that this week he will get his final check up, and aside from a broken collar bone that hasn't healed, he's good.  Lost his spleen, was cut open from chest to belly button, broken ribs, neck bones and both collar bones--in addition to cuts, bruises and internal bleeding and trauma.  He missed 3 months of school and caught up in three weeks.

"Miss Janie," he said, "I'm here to fix your sewing machine.  (He's been telling me he was going to do that as soon as he was on his feet.)  Ten minutes later he said, "Your gear shaft is disrupting the fabric feed--and parts aren't available for your machine."  (I thought it was bobbin tension, but no.  He is 13 years old and much smarter than me.) "You'll have to get a new machine," he told me.  Now I know.

I have been teaching a Bible class ever since I got kicked out of Sunday School when I was 17.  The teacher was boring, I talked too much, etc.  No excuse.  The pastor came and got me and said, "You come with me.  You are going to teach 9 year old girls."  To be honest, it was a relief.  I've been teaching ever since--63 years now.  Everyone in my family, and in Ken's family, were Bible teachers.  The pastor told me to teach--so I did.   I didn't decide to become a teacher.

The passage we read Sunday went like this:  James 3:1.  "Not many should become teachers, because you know that we will receive a stricter judgment."  I don't want to receive a stricter judgment!!!  I didn't strive to "become."  From my beginning, I was taught to read God's word, and listen when others talked about what was in it.  Osmosis.  I was blessed to be raised in a Christian environment.  Not to teach, but to learn.  I guess I "became" a teacher anyway, telling others what I had learned.

 I hope God forgives all the mistakes I've made.  I don't know that I made any Biblical mistakes--none that I know of, but living before those that you teach, well, I'm certainly not perfect.  And we teach with our behavior as much--or more--than we do teaching Bible.  Biblical truth is truth that must be put into action.  I get notes out there from you telling me to keep on keeping on.  Thanks.  I teach myself as well.  I'm still learning.

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