Tuesday, November 20, 2018

It took me 5 hours to make the turkey dressing from scratch.  I somehow got two loads of wash done and folded in between.  And for the first time since I moved, I took Squig for a walk.  We made it to the end of the street and back.  I didn't put a leash on him and he was ecstatic.  He managed to leave a little message at every mail box on the street.  At least a dozen of them.  By the time we got to the lamp post at the end, his tank was empty and he was very proud of himself.  He now thinks he owns the block.

Tomorrow I will boil a chicken with extra giblets then bone it. I don't know why, but when you fry, or cook a chicken for pot pie, etc., it has much better broth if you cook the entire chicken.  Broth made with white meat is so bad you might as well use water.  You need the skin, fat, and bones to make decent broth.  My gravy is one of the few decent things I do in the kitchen.  Any gravy.  Especially fried chicken gravy.  My gran taught me how to do it.  I wish it didn't have a zillion calories.

We all do the entire family Thanksgiving every other year.  This year is our year.  We have had quite a time getting it to work out now that all the grandchildren have married and we have other families to consider.  Everyone has had to adjust to twelve sets of family inlaws.  We haven't perfected it completely, but we are getting there.  Until another one of us gets married and tries to adjust.

Jeanette came by yesterday.  I love having a friend that comes by to see me.  I've always been the go-see-er.  In my circle of friends, Jeanette is the hostess with the mostest.  Yesterday, November 19, was the fifth anniversary of the day Ken left, so it was really nice to have an interruption in my day, and a distraction.  Anniversaries like that are sad.  You would like to forget them, but you can't.

Tom and Pat took me to dinner that evening.  I had visitors throughout the day.  Linda and John sent dinner as well, which I will eat for lunch today.  With any luck, I won't have to cook again all week.  Turkey day is coming.  I have so much to be thankful.  We all do.  The privilege of being an American is a good thing to start thanking God for.  Family, health, adequate resources, a car (!), and on and on.  We are truly blessed.  For me, I will add: A flat driveway and a beautiful redone bathroom.  I make it to the mailbox every day without huffing and puffing.

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