Thursday, November 15, 2018

We Christians are living in an ever darkening world of godlessness.  Dark.  There is so much bitterness between people.  There is an ever increasing population of people who don't believe in God, and as a result have no moral base for living.  Our schools no longer can use the Bible as an ultimate guide to moral behavior.  As a matter of fact, the word "moral" has no ultimate meaning in the lives of most of the people in the world any more.   Anything goes.  Do your own thing.

And as the world grows darker, we Christians--who are lights in the darkness--grow more visible--and are easier to attack.   Like points of light on a dark night--just because we are different.  Jesus said, "Do not put your light under a bushel.  Let it shine."  Which means you are a visible target.  Our values are under siege.

The true Christians--those who live the life--will always be in conflict with the new "Anything goes" philosophy of tolerance.  Because of our moral agreement with the word of God, we are called judgmental.  Even though we don't judge.  We simply believe that God has the right to do so--to judge.  We choose to accept His Word as true, and live our lives accordingly.

When you believe something is true, you don't need to pass judgment.  It will affect the way you choose to live your life, which irritates and enrages people.  Because as long  as you adhere to the truth of God's word as your template for living, you "light" up in a world that disagrees with you--even when you keep your mouth shut.  Your very presence in the world is an irritant to those who attack the premise that you espouse.  The premise that God is the creator, and righteous judge of the world.  You can't hide--because in darkness, you are visible.  And your nature is an affront to the world.  We must do what the writer of Hebrews says: put on the armor of God.

That is why we band together in a group called church.  We are not perfect.  But we are moving in a direction that is not the way the world is moving.  Once we accept God as our judge, the judgement of this world is meaningless.  Once our desire is to please Him, pleasing this world is impossible.

I am a child of God.  I have invited Him into my life to take control and lead me in His paths.  I will glorify His holy name.  As Paul said, "I am pressing toward the mark of the high calling..."

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