Monday, November 5, 2018

I have spent the last three months wearing a pair of glasses that had only one ear extension.  (The thing that holds them on your ears.)  I finally took them in to be fixed--and found out that they were permanently kaput.  Couldn't be fixed.  If I had done it three months ago, I would not have been pushing them back up onto my nose every few minutes.

I had two pages of notes of things I needed to do, and the glasses kept getting moved to the bottom of the list.  But getting away from the noise of the jackhammer motivated me to get out of the house, and to do something about the glasses.  This week, they are supposed to be here.

I have shared with you before that my method of operation is procrastination.  It serves me well--only because I never let things go undone--only the order in which I do them.  I work really well when desperation sets in.  Desperation this time was the sound of the jackhammer.  I probably would have let taking the glasses in to be fixed,wait.  The thing that stops me from doing tasks like that is getting in the car, driving to where I want to go, parking and getting into the building.  I need a go-fer.

I will do all kinds of tedious jobs I don't really want to do, if I don't have to go anywhere else to do them.  I hand-stitched a quilt for someone last month.  I fold, wrap with tape, and price hundreds of yards of fabric for Becky when she has an estate sale.  I don't mind working.  Just going somewhere.  

And now that winter is coming, I really don't want to get into a cold car and drive somewhere.  So I am very thankful for the jackhammering.  It got me out the door to go get my glasses ordered before winter got here.  Now all I have to do is go pick them up.  I will then be able to see, and mark fixing them off my list.  Things will go better.  I have a number of jobs I need to do that require glasses!!!

I just wrote in the last paragraph, "winter is coming."  Which means...."can spring be far behind?"  I found a man this last week to roto-till my yard in the back.  He planted eleven shrubs along the back of the house.  It looks fantastic.  I planted twenty or thirty Iris bulbs that were offshoots of my Mom's Iris.  Purple flags. This man, Ron, said he would build me a raised bed along the fence in March where I can plant my okra, tomatoes, peppers, asparagus, parsley and kale.   Just writing about it gets me excited.  God sent Ron just when I needed him.   Spring is coming.  Five more months.

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