Saturday, November 17, 2018

Saturday, I went out in the back yard, planted two peony bulbs that I brought from the other house, and spread 6 bags of mulch.  In November.  Less than a week before Thanksgiving.  It made me feel good all over.  In four months, I'll get my new outside guy to come and build me a raised bed and start planting stuff for real.  Serious planting.  Garden vegetables.  As quickly as this September, October and November went by, I'll be back outside and at it again in no time.

Becky is deep into another Estate sale.  I separated Christmas things for her to get them ready to price.  There is so much of it that I think this lady must have put up three or four trees.  Or changed her decorations every year.  Becky had to rent a store in a shopping center just to get it all the stuff in one place.  Everything had to be moved because the lady's home association didn't permit estate sales.

I'm doing church in the choir room from now until March.  They have TVs in there.  I can't take a chance on getting the flu.  (Yes, I got my flu shot.  Shots.  They have a double dose now--for people my age--that is more effective.  It think that they said 24% more effective.)  I saw my cardiologist last week and he gave me all sorts of instructions which I won't follow.  Well, I guess I'll follow some of them like avoiding crowds and getting my flu shot.  I could watch the service on TV, but it misses the point--I like to go to church.  God likes it too.  It's one of the big ten.

"Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy," isn't followed by many people today.  I guess they think that God didn't really mean what He said?

As for following my cardiologist's instructions, he thinks I am a wimp.  I have no cholesterol, no blockages, I'm skinny, and I have always had low blood pressure.  In other words, like my cardio-guy back in Tulsa told me before I moved: "You have a perfect, strong heart--the surgeon just cut the AV node out."  So my perfect heart doesn't get the message that says, "Beat."  Which means that nothing needs to be done on my part--my pacemaker and God are in charge.  I think this cardio-guy here just feels like he needs to tell me stuff because I come see him.  I come see him every six months even though I don't need it.  There's nothing he can do for me except to tell me I'm in good shape.  Praise God.

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