Friday, November 2, 2018

There is sheetrock dust all over my house.  And dust from where Tony used a jackhammer taking out the broken tile in the bathroom.  I have been coughing and wiping my eyes every few minutes.  My advice to all of you out there is:  Take a vacation--leave the house when there are renovations that have to be done.  Or buy a new house.  One that isn't 35 years old and doesn't need renovations.

This will be over soon.  I will have to hire a cleaner to get the dust out of everything when it is over and done.  Enough!!  I'll quit whining.  I promise I won't say another word about this.  I'm done.  I'm thankful that I have someone to work for me.  Tony is a blessing.  He does excellent work.  And he cleans up his mess (in as much as is possible) at the end of every day.

My solution to all these problems is to go get my hair cut.  That always makes a woman feel better.  And Lindsey--my niece--is coming to have lunch with me.  All of that will keep me out of the house for most of the day.  Give my eyes and cough a chance to abate.

So--the question is--did I do the right thing?  Absolutely.  Yes.  I love my house.  I love my flat driveway.  And I'm breaking even--which makes it even better.  The only thing I lost was the third garage.  Which I certainly don't need.  I am blessed.  I keep thinking about the verse from James that I wrote about yesterday:  "Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights; In whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

God is so good.  When I look back over my eighty years, I am struck by all the wonderful things that came to me by the hand of God.  Which I didn't deserve.  Which I didn't earn.  My parents Christian faithfulness to bring me up in a house dedicated to Christ and His church.  To Bible study.  To memorizing scripture.  I can't say enough good about them.  And also for Ken's parents who did the same for Him.  Ken's dad was my pastor, and his mom was my Sunday School director.

Especially for sending Ken to be my husband.  Because of our parent's friendship with each other, Ken and I met each other.  And because of the training they put into our lives, Ken and I were looking for the same things.  Fifty-seven years we spent together.  What a blessing. Was it all peaches and cream?  Of course not.  Was it wonderful?  Absolutely.  God's gifts are perfect.

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