Thursday, July 4, 2019

Becky's friend Kathy who works most of her sales, (sometimes they split one) had the birthday party for Josh at her house.  Grilled chicken, potato salad, baked beans, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, broccoli salad and on and on and on.  Kathy and Becky cooked it all.  And Becky made two pies and a birthday cake.  Kathy's husband Steve made homemade Ice cream.  Everything was yummy.  Steve is Darcy's guitarist.  (Darcy won American Idol--ventriloquist.  He travels on the weekends with Darcy and her folks.)

Steve and Josh lugged two new sofas into my family room from the estate sale that Becky and Kathy were working.  Sweaty, heavy, hard work.  Steve had me play the Marimba for him.   Such a down to earth guy.  Plays guitar for a number of  famous people.  And lugs sofas to my house--and rearranged my furniture with Josh's help.

People are just people.  And Oklahoma has its share of interesting people.  The other day, I saw that John Dwyer's new book "Mustang" hit number one in sales in  Oklahoma.  He is such a neat person.  I hope my book makes the bottom of the list someday.

I just hope this publisher gets it out in September like she said she would.  I was supposed to have 20 copies by the fourth--I don't think that is going to happen.  But once you sign a contract, you lose control.

I'm going to my high school reunion sometime this week.  1956.  Sixty three years ago.  Aren't many of us left.  We were close to each other.  No one had much; TV only had a couple of shows we all watched.  We did things together.  I bet this one is my last--because the next one is in two more years away, and it gets harder and harder to drive to it.  I drove to Pryor a  month ago and swore I wasn't going to do it again.  And here I go once more.  I'm taking the rest of the week off.  Blessed fourth to all.  I'll post Monday.

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