Wednesday, July 24, 2019

It gets harder and harder to find something on television to watch.  I was flipping channels last night--and I have the smallest channel selection package possible--and every movie, etc. was so filled with foul language I was shocked. 

God's name was used like periods in a sentence.  Every bad word possible was used.  Some of the movies I flipped through would have had no dialog if they didn't have curse words and vulgarities.  I gave up on finding something to watch.  What have we become?  Our children learn words from what they hear.  They learn behavior from what they see.  And foul words and foul behaviors have become the norm.  Horrible.  

The news last night said that the suicide rate among children under 18 has increased fifty percent.  No wonder.  Many haven't grown up with a moral code and don't know that they are here for a purpose.   Many don't seem to have a purpose.  Or have any concept that the God who created them has a plan for their lives.  If there is no plan for their lives, there is no worth.

And if you have no purpose, what is the reason to live.  You aren't unique or special. You're just a statistic.  Perhaps suicide seems less painful than living?

Of course, there are good kids out there.  But I wonder how they make it.  The entire culture we now live in works against them.  I wouldn't want to be a teenager in today's world.  I grew up in a God inspired culture.  They are growing up in a Godless culture.  It makes me sad for them. 

The hope of children today is that God fearing parents and churches teach them that their lives have meaning.  That God has a plan for them.  That they are precious.  That there is a life after this one, and it is going to be a lot better. There won't be bullies, liars, thieves, murderers, cruelty or evil.  We are children of the Kingdom of God.  It is coming.  I hope it is soon.

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