Monday, July 8, 2019

Just got back from the 1956 high school reunion.  Mercy, everyone looked so old! Missing teeth, wrinkles, grey hair and sagging everything.  I was the only young person there!!??  Everyone had to look at your name tag to know who you were.  Including me.

Our class had a private party Friday night.  It's amazing how many funny stories everyone had to tell.  You find out things you never knew, things that you've forgotten and things you absolutely know never happened!

It was fun.  But the next day at the "all school event," I didn't even make it through the morning to lunch.  I wore out and came home.  Had a buttermilk fried chicken sandwich at McDonalds on the Turner turnpike.

My Educational Director (Jerry Ross and wife Tammy) from my church in Pryor moved to an Edmond church 7 or 8 years ago (not the one I go to) and he and his wife had me over for a cook out on the fourth.  I hadn't seen them in forever.  He gave Ken and me a class in the Pryor church made up of couples.  Ken taught it one week, I taught it the next.   

Baptists (some) fall off the right end where women teaching men is concerned.  But he had me doing that.  Someone once commented to me about that, and I told them it's only in America that the "Higher Ups" have a problem.  Baptist women, starting with Lottie Moon, have been teaching men overseas forever.  My brother's wife Janet, was appointed director over all the work in Southern China.  She "spoke" everywhere.  I guess if you don't call it preaching or teaching, you can do it??

Anyway, I always appreciated Jerry for having faith in me that I might have something to say to men as well as women.  Ken and I loved teaching that class.  And yes, I took a lot of flack from the guys.  Good flack.

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