Thursday, July 18, 2019

I have a hand fetish.  I wash my hands twenty to twenty-five times a day.  Or more.  I can't stand for my hands to be dirty.

As a result, there are a number of things I won't do if I don't have to.  Like touch something greasy.  Or pick up something that's spilled on the floor unless I can do it with a paper towel.  Etc.  Etc.  Sometimes the mess is too great and I have to face it.  Clean it up, and wash my hands.  A bunch of times.

I avoid getting my hands in things that are wet and gooey.  Which, even though I love home-baked bread, I don't make it.  You have to knead it. Ugh.

I go through those boxes of one-hundred rubber gloves regularly.  And I'm the girl that caught frogs and crawdads and garter snakes all the time growing up.  I still like to find frogs, crawdads and snakes.  I moved a snake from one place to another the other day so he wouldn't get killed inadvertently.  Those things still don't bother me.  Squig's kisses don't bother me.  It's just my hands. 

Oddly enough, my brother had to have someone prop him up when he was in China and had to operate on hands.  He could cut you open and operate on anything else that needed fixing.  Anywhere.  Just not on hands.

I think there must be some reason from our childhood, but try as I can, I can't think what it would have been.  I don't even remember mom telling me to wash my hands.  I can't help but wonder if everyone has something stupid like that in their makeup.

As long as I'm confessing, I'll just admit that I have a tooth fetish as well.  I brush my teeth six or seven times a day.  When I get up, go to bed, meals and all snacks.  Perhaps that's why I have still have my teeth.

I have my teeth and my hands are always clean.  I'm good with that. 

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