Monday, July 1, 2019

I keep learning new words.  I was reading a book a couple of months ago, and the author used so many words I didn't know that I started writing them down.  A number of words I had seen before and in context figured them out but the others--right over my head.  I looked up all the words I didn't know.  I still don't know all of them.  Here are a few.  Maybe you don't know them either. 

Bete noire:  A person or thing that one in particular dislikes

Contretemps:  An unexpected and unfortunate occurrence

Febrile:  Showing symptoms of a fever

Bonhomie:  General friendliness and geniality

Circumspection:  The quality of being wary, unwilling to take risks

The list went on and on.  I had over one hundred words before I finished one half of the book.  I had seen all of the words I have written down before, but never really learned for sure what they meant.

Needless to say, you can't understand what the author is saying if you don't  know the words.

The larger your vocabulary, the better you can think.  We think in the words of the language we know. 

I suggest that if you want to understand the Bible, find a translation with words you understand.  King James is hard to read.  The Living Bible isn't.  You don't get a prize for reading something you don't understand.  I like both versions.

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