Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Rebecca Perkins took my second book (The Jersey Cow) home with her after she stayed the night with me last week.  Took it on a flash drive.  Then took the flash drive to Kinkos and had it printed off.  She is going to spend a week on the East coast and is taking it with her.

She is going to do the same thing with this first edition of "The Jersey Cow" that she did with "The Letter" and edit for me.  My copy of "The Letter" is coming by UPS this week for me to put my final stamp of approval on it.  I got to see the book jacket cover last week.  I hope everything goes as planned and it is out in September.  I hope to get my copy as promised this week.  I hope.

Anyway, Rebecca has been an invaluable friend to encourage me on.  She has a way of kicking me in the butt when I get discouraged with the whole thing.  My first book wouldn't have gone anywhere if Rebecca hadn't set a fire under the publisher.  Rebecca had read it, believed in it and kept after the publisher until they read it.  And when they read it, they called to say they wanted to buy it.  And that it would be coming out in hardcover.  They said it definitely wasn't a paperback.  That's encouraging.  I would have still been sitting on it.

The publisher has asked me for a chance at whatever I write next, and that is good.  I don't have to find a publisher.  Which is a gift from God.  I don't have time to waste on running around hunting one down who believes in me.

Yesterday, I said that Sundays were empty and long after I came home from church.  But that isn't entirely true.  I write.  And this third book about Ken's journey from Pryor football to jets is like living it all over again for me.

He was such a bigger than life individual.  He was really something special.  He flew at the beginning of jet aviation.  After flight school, he was chosen to be in the very first class of jet training that the Navy and Marines had. 

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