Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Rebecca Perkins stayed with me Saturday night and went to church with me on Sunday.  She is the reason I am going to get my book published.  I had given up on it.  But she read it, liked it, called the publisher and told her to either give me a contract or send the manuscript back.  That's when things started to happen.  The publisher now includes Rebecca on all communications.  

That's when the publisher bought the book.  So Rebecca is my right hand bulldog.  When I get discouraged, she goes into attack mode for me.  I love it.  She took the second book home with her to edit.  We'll see how that goes.  She is good at that.  I think she should be an agent.  But she is just a wonderful friend.

I got to see Carolyn (and granddaughter Stephanie) when I was in Pryor.  We went to breakfast at East Side, just like old times.  Biscuits and sausage and gravy.  Yum.  Just like I remembered.  Some things stay the same.  Old friends. And biscuits and sausage gravy.

I saw Sally the last time I was in Pryor.  I didn't get to see Becky Bacon, or Kathy Mitchell, (not Mitchell anymore) or JoAnn, or a bunch of others.  I try to see one or two of my friends when I go to Pryor.  I miss them.

Friends are everything.  All the members of my family that I grew up with are gone.  Aunts, parents, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.---all gone.  It makes friends more important than anything.  

Yes I love my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.  But friends are people who are my age or close to it, and remember the things I remember.  We lived life together.  My children grew up and left.  My friends didn't.  We raised each other's children in the church.  I love my friends.

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