Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My email isn't working.  Frustrating.  My grandson who is a guru, couldn't find the problem.  His dad Craig, who is a mega-guru is going to take a shot at it today sometime.

Amazing how our lives have been intertwined with technology.  I get up every morning and check my email.  Then take a run through facebook--skipping most of it.  I would be lost without my I-phone.  It has every phone number and address of every person in my life.  I should back it up somewhere--if I knew how, I would.

I learn one new thing at a time.  And I started so late in life, I'll never catch up. There is no way I can catch up.  Which is why I am so thankful for the people in my life who help me.  I would be lost without them.

While the rest of the world is worrying about food and meds, I worry about tree trimmers, lawn mowers, electricians, plumbers, garden helpers and the like.  They take most of my income because I don't have a handyman in the house.  And all of them are trying to make a living.  Which is good.

But you don't realize the value of a helper in the house until you don't have one.  And Ken wasn't that great at stuff like that.  He mowed the yard and could do anything electrical, but when we got married, he told me, "I'll fly the airplanes, but you will have to take care of everything else."  

Which turned out to be very true.  He wasn't even good with a hammer.  But he was mine.  I miss him terribly.  And every time the lawn needs to be mowed or edged, or a lamp needs to be fixed, I think how lucky I was to have a helper.

Don't concentrate on things your mate can't do.  Thank them for what they do.  Ken was excellent at flying airplanes, and he left me the where-with-all to hire people to help me now.  Thank God.  He was a great, good man...

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