Monday, July 29, 2019

I don't know how many times I've read the Psalms, but I just finished reading them again, and as usual, when you read the Bible, you discover something new.  I'm sure all of you already knew this, but in the 119 Psalm, (which incidentally is the longest chapter in the Bible) every single verse (176 of them) mentions God's Word.  I just hadn't ever noticed that.

Every verse is about keeping his commandments.  Or precepts.  Or law.  Or judgements.  Or testimonies. Or word. Or statutes. Over and over again, the Psalm urges us to keep his instructions so that we may have a happy and peaceful life.  And for the person who follows God's instructions, there are promises that He will watch over you.  Prosper you.  Take care of you.

Trying to live a life without following the guidelines that God has given you is definitely going to lead you into a train wreck.  I've been teaching women for sixty-three years, and have seen every train wreck there is.  Adultery,  abortion, drunkenness, addiction to gambling, overloaded credit cards, loneliness, abandonment, hopeless situations.  I think I've seen it all.  And all as a result of dabbling in activities God has warned us about.

They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  Sometimes I think the world has gone insane.  I don't understand why people keep doing the same things over and over when they know they are going to be miserable later.

Look around you.  You don't have to make the mistakes that others do.  We have a book of instructions.  "How to have a blessed life."  Does that mean that unpleasant things won't come your way.  No, it just means they won't be self inflicted.  It means you have a God who has promised to help you through it.

It means you can live in peace without regrets.

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