Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Finally, finally, finally I got a diagnosis.  I saw a vascular surgeon yesterday and after looking at me, the first thing he asked was, "Have you had radiation?"  

Eleven years ago, I had chemo and radiation for breast cancer.  It was aggressive and they put me through the hoops.  The chemotherapy was horrible.  Horrible.  But the radiation was nothing.  Or so I thought.

Seems like a number of veins--specifically the one from the heart to the brain--were burned from radiation. Perhaps damaged is a better word.  And it finally caught up with me.  The vein somewhat damaged.  I'll know more when the final tests are done.

The doctor assured me it wasn't an aneurysm.  And that I wasn't in immediate danger.  He didn't believe I needed a stint or surgery.  He wanted another CT scan--my fourth this month--before he made up his mind--but felt certain he was right.  Like I said the other day, I'm going to be glowing from all the radiation.

This isn't my first rodeo.  I lost my heartbeats (AV node) when I was thirty two and am still ticking--thank God for pacemakers.  That's 49 years ago.  And modern medicine has come a long way since then.

He said I was in amazing condition for a woman my age.  I already knew that.  God's been good to me.  I have Him to thank for finally, after going through three emergency rooms and seven doctors, getting me to the right place--a vascular surgeon who listened to me, and knew what was going on.  

I am very relieved.  I knew I wasn't crazy.  Just had to keep believing in myself and find someone who agreed and knew what to do.  Praise God.



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