Friday, July 19, 2019

Got my cardiology appointment over with yesterday.  He was wonderful.  I have been through five others who told me that:

1.  there is nothing wrong.  Don't worry.

2.  There are tumors in your thyroid pushing against the artery.

3.  You got frightened and that caused your blood pressure to spike.

4.  You probably have an aneurysm.

5.  You hold your head in a kink--the wrong way.  You need to stay straight.

Then, two weeks ago my GP sent me to a vascular surgeon.  He said: You definitely a problem.  It's a major vein in your neck.  It's blocked by damage from radiation.  We need to narrow down where.  Thank goodness I finally have an answer.  That's what drives you nuts--not knowing.

He is anxious to solve the problem.  He agrees I have a serious anomaly--but isn't sure why, but it is not 1-5 wrong diagnoses above.  He laughed at number three, that I was frightened. "You don't seem to be the type to get frightened."  

Bottom line.  He agrees something is definitely wrong.  Hallelujah.  All I want to know is what is causing the problem.  It would also be nice if he could fix it.  He said I may need a stint in my neck.  Fine.  Whatever.

I am relieved to find someone who is curious about finding out what's wrong.  That's all I'm hoping for.  Also humongously happy to find a cardiologist that I can trust.  Who isn't intimidated by something unusual and isn't afraid to say, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

  I've finally found somebody.

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