Monday, August 19, 2019

I had to go to a meeting today.  I'm sure you love meetings.  

You get 30 people in a room and ask for suggestions on the topic you are presenting--and of course 29 of those people don't have anything to say, but one person in the room does and proceeds to say a lot of words about something unrelated to the subject.

The moderator thanks that person for their input, and closes the meeting.  

I can honestly say that I don't remember a single thing from this meeting I went to today.  I don't know what the point was.  I was listening.  I was.  And I clapped when everyone else did.  I just didn't get it.

What's the point of meetings?  Whatever needs to get done will be done by one or two people anyway.  

You've heard what they say about  church work.  Ten percent of the members do one hundred percent of the work.

Which is okay with me.  I used to be part of that ten percent.  Now I'm just a watcher.  And a sit down teacher.  My energy has gone out the door. 

Maybe that's why I don't like meetings.

Or maybe I'm just an old party pooper.

Nobody but you and me know I didn't like the meeting and I'm counting on you not to tell.

I'm working on my attitude.

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