Thursday, August 29, 2019

It's interesting how your life with your grandchildren turns out.  I have two grandsons who call me every week.  Sometimes twice.  Just to talk.  It's nice when a grandchild not only loves you, but likes you as well.

I hear about what they are doing at work, what's happening in their lives.  And they ask about what I'm doing that day--is anything new?  How I'm feeling.  It's interesting, because they seem genuinely interested.

I am ashamed to say that they are usually the ones who initiate the calls.  I'm always afraid they will be working or busy.  No excuse.  

You would think that it would be one of the four granddaughters who would be talkative.  Women get teased about talking all the time.  But, no--it is these two grandsons.

The thing that happens when you have interaction with someone is that you become a part of each other's lives.  It isn't that you love one grandchild more than another one, you just know more about them.

One thing I know for sure--they all love me.  They just show it in different ways.

It's just that these two grandsons surprise me.  I feel blessed to have them in my life.  I feel blessed to have all ten of my grandchildren in my life.  And my six great-grandchildren as well.

When I married Ken, I had no idea all these people would end up in my life.  I've lost count. Children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and all of their spouses...mercy!  The Bible says, "Blessed is the man who has his quiver full of arrows..."  It's talking about your children.  Does that apply to women as well?  

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