Friday, August 2, 2019

Well, I went to see "Hamilton" last night.  There have been so many rave reviews, that my exceptions were high.  People are asking how I liked it.

So I'm going to tell you.  If I had been by myself, I would have left after twenty minutes.  I stayed for the whole thing, and it was the most disappointing drama I have ever been to.

First it was horrendously loud.  Every minute.  No variation.  Ear-drum pounding loud.  I had my fingers in my ears for almost the entire thing it was so painful.  There was never any relief from it.

Second, the choreography was ho-hum.  Too many people on stage with very mediocre dancing.  Nothing but a lot of moving around.  Poorly done.

Third, all but two or three of the characters  including Arron Burr and Thomas Jefferson were black.  There was such discontinuity between the race of the main characters at a time when slavery was rampant that it was hard to keep track in your mind who was who.  I'm all in favor of more representation of black people.  But playing the role of white historical figures at the time Alexander Hamilton lived was poor role casting.  Just as bad as white people playing the part Negros back in the 30's an 40's by painting their faces black.   I find both instances unsettling.

And finally, the entire musical was done in rap.  Which is a difficult medium in which to tell a story.  And the lines were so "fast-rap," you couldn't understand most of what they said.  Too many adjectives with no nouns.

Three of us went together.  All of us agreed it was a horrible production that should have been an uplifting story of a truly honorable patriot of the Continental Congress and Revolutionary war.  Read the book and save your money.  The actors did a good job was the only high point.

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