Thursday, August 8, 2019

I hate asking for help.  I've always managed.  But the release orders from the hospital said no driving a car for a few days.

I was 99% sure I could make it down the turnpike without using my right arm--which they didn't want me to use.  But I knew my friend Jeanette might ask me if I was following the doctor's orders.  I doubt she would have asked me that, but there was always a chance.  The worst possibility was that one of my daughters would have asked me if I was following directions.

And since I am known for always telling the truth, I knew I would have to admit that, "No."  That I wasn't following the doctor's orders.  I doubt that there was a 1% chance of something going wrong, but just in case I got caught being bad--by my daughters--I asked Jeanette to drive me for a return appointment.

My daughters are my problem.  They expect me to follow doctor's orders!!

I knew she would be happy to do that.  But I still hate to ask for help.  I'm not a very compliant patient when I know I can do something myself without asking for help.

But lately, I'm trying to be good.

Instead of so independent.

And headstrong.

And stubborn.

It's hard.

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