Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The weatherman is saying that winds 80 miles an hour are headed my way.  I don't think he knows what he is talking about.  This is August and we don't have that kind of rain, wind, and such in August....

I wrote that last night.  Turns out, I was wrong. 

The wind was 80 miles an hour and so much rain that there are floods, trees down, and no power in much of Oklahoma City and in Edmond.  I guess there are firsts for everything.  Blinding rain and wind and floods in August in Oklahoma.

I walked across the street because there was a hook-echo right on top of Edmond--and the weather man on Channel 4 is over cautious ever since the Moore tornado.  He gets so excited he can hardly catch his breath.  My neighbors have a cellar.  They make sure I make it across the street.

It takes me so long to gather myself and the dog up,  that I would have been a goner by the time I got across the street if it had hit us. 

My dog and computer and phone and the editing on the book I'm working on.  Everything else is expendable.  I have a better  chance of falling and breaking my neck crossing the street than getting blown away.

Next time, I'm going to get in a closet.

I had to give Squig tranquilizers.  He panted and shook until 4 o'clock this morning.  We neither one got much sleep.

We're probably going to have a snow storm before the summer is over.  Like they say about Oklahoma, "If you don't like the weather, wait a second."


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