Wednesday, August 28, 2019

I miss my home town of Pryor.  I knew everyone there anywhere from fifty to seventy years.  They knew me.  We raised each other's children.  Taught them in church and Bible School.  Some of those children now have grandchildren.

Moving to a new town--and I've been here four years--is so difficult when you are older.  The people here have done all the things here in this church the same way things I did things in the church in Pryor.  They know each other.

I don't know many of the older people here, much less their children and grand-children.  Friends like I had in Pryor were made over a life time.

Nobody knows Ken.  Who he was.  What he did.  There is no conversation to be made about that.  Nobody knows my children.  Or my grandchildren.  I don't know theirs either.  I've made one really good friend.  Which is a blessing. 

It's amazing how much of our life is about our families--or our work.  And I don't work anymore.  Nobody wants to talk about math anyway.  I take that back--my brother has decided to learn Calculus and want's me to help him.

So when he was here last week, I dug around in my books and found two Calculus books that were the same edition, and we got through three chapters before he left to go home.  He can call me and I'll help him on the phone because we have the exact same text for us to use.  I wonder if he will really do it.  Why in the world does he want to???  Oh, well; I'll get him through it. 

I, on the other hand, don't want to do much of anything new.  My head is full of things learned over a lifetime that are no longer relevant.  I think I've run out of space in my brain. But if anyone else has a use for Calculus, I'm your girl.  I have absolutely no use for it anymore.  I'd love to give it away and clear some space in my brain. 

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