Thursday, August 15, 2019

Remember Bible School.  We marched in a line into the building to the anthem.  Pledged allegiance to the American flag, the Christian flag and the Bible.

Every church in town had a Bible school.  Staggered at different times so you could go to almost all of them.  There may have been denominational differences, but everybody agreed on Moses, Jonah, David and the other stories.  

People saved orange juice cans, oatmeal and match book boxes, and anything else that could be the repurposed into a fun creation.  You saved them all year to be used in Bible school.

I especially remember the colored scripture cards.  Ten verses to a card.  If you could quote them correctly you got the next card.

I did them all.  Not because the verses meant anything to me.  I just wanted the colored cards.  All of them.

But things memorized simmer in your brain, and when you are older a moment comes when you need what you learned.  And God's word becomes meaningful. 

Ten verses to a card.  Ten days of Bible School.  One hundred verses every summer.  I memorized hundreds of scriptures to get the colored cards.

What we do for one reason, God uses for another.  I wish I could go back and thank the teachers in Bible school who helped me.  But I don't even know who they were.

God does.  That's what matters.  His Word is, "A lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path."  I learned that in Bible School.

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