Friday, August 16, 2019

You know the routine.  You get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, get dressed, get your hair into some manageable arrangement, and make up your face--that is if you use make up.

I do.  Somewhat.  And every time I put lipstick on, I think of my mom.  She loved those free kits that Estee Lauder gave you when you made a purchase.

When Mom died, I found dozens of unopened Estee gift packs in her dresser.  I gave all of it to charity except the lipstick--which happened to be a color of light pink that I liked.

Still using them.  So when I make my face in the morning I think of my mom who bought Estee, so that she could get all the free stuff she never wore.

There is something about "free" that attracts us.  I know myself.  I love the BOGO deals at Walgreens.  For those of you who don't get excited about free stuff, BOGO is Buy One Get One.

When I try to explain the plan of salvation to someone who doesn't exactly know about Bible stuff, I start with the fact that we are loved.  As strange as it may seem, God loves us, and has a free gift for us.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave...."  Loving involves giving.  It doesn't have to be a present; it can be time, or a listening ear, or some help with a task.  There are lots of ways to give.  But God's gift was different.

He gave "...His only Son.  That whosoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life."  Now that is a free deal.  You would think the world would be rushing to Him to get their own eternal life.

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