Monday, August 5, 2019

Tomorrow, I am going to get a procedure on my neck vein.  Finally!  It has taken forever to get to this point.  Trying to get someone to listen to what you are telling them is impossible when you are an 81 year old female.

If you are a woman, they look at your age, categorize you as senile, stupid and over-reacting and hysterical.   Even though I am calm, knowledgable, verbally clear and precise.   

I would tell them that my blood pressure was always, always low, and the reaction I would get was:  "It's high because you are frightened.  (Which I wasn't)  Thank God there are doctors out there who listen or I'd still not know what was wrong.  Seven male physicians before my female GP sent me to the right specialist.  Not that I have anything against men--just saying....

So.  If you know something strange is going on with your body, don't give up.  Change doctors.  Find one who listens to you.

The hail storm in March ruined my roof, gutters, shed and fence.  They are finally going to re-roof this week.  I told them to put me last on the list because I figured we'd get hail again.  I'm dreading the hammering.

I just finished reading Proverbs again.  I call it the Book of Buts.  Starting in Chapter 10, almost every verse says something like, "If you do this, something good will be the result; BUT....if you do that something bad will happen."  Sometimes, instead of 'but' the writer uses 'and.'

It continues through chapter 15.  The book is a manual for what to do and what not to do.  Problem is, people don't listen to good advice.

It would save the world a lot of misery if they listened.

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