Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I found out why Squig was shivering.  He got a hair cut last Wednesday.  A summer cut--which means he was shaved on top and sides.  He was cold!!  I could have saved a ton of money by realizing that.  

I had put his electric lap blanket away since it is May. So I got it out of the closet, plugged it in, turned it on--and he curled up on it and was finally back to normal.  He's happy.  Next time, I'll figure it out before we go to the vet.

I do not like Zoom.  It's better than nothing, but not much better than a phone call.  Only advantage is that everyone is talking at the same time, or one at a time and you can see them.  I want to go back to real time.

I finally went to the grocery store.  Disinfectant in my pocket, mask on.  The thing that tempted me after 59 days of being house-bound, was turkey at Homeland for 49 cents a pound.  Iv'e got five.  I'm going to give them away to all the people who have been so nice to me and brought hot food for the last few weeks.

Every Wednesday, the Kerleys or I cook beans and cornbread.  She fries okra with hashbrowns.  Today, I am doing all of it.  Usually I just do one or the other, cornbread or beans.  However, it's more, more, more than my turn.

God plunked me down in Edmond on the most wonderful block in the city.  All of the people around me check on me.  Good neighbors are invaluable.

Jeaninne, across the street, calls and says, "Come through my side gate.  I've set up chairs in my back yard, 6 feet apart and we can sit and visit."  God is good.  About all I can do is be thankful.  I am.  Very thankful.

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