Friday, May 29, 2020

I worked all day yesterday on a book I am writing about what my brother did in China.  Wrote, rewrote, edited and was really pleased with what I had written.

Hit "save."  Hit save again just in case.  And lost what I wrote.  Can't find it on my Mac anywhere.  Which means that I am going to have to get in the car, drive to the library in Jones, Oklahoma where my daughter Pat is working and hope she can find it.  She is a "Word" guru.  I am thankful she puts up with all my Mac fumbling with over the top patience to help me.  She is stellar.

I have a list on paper next to my bed of the things I pray for.   I usually put a date by the thing I ask God about.  It is comforting to mark things off that God has done.   Each night when I go to bed, I pray for  people, events, the nation, family....whatever people ask me to pray for.  I wish I was better at remembering, but I have to write it down.

One of the items I haven't crossed off yet--is help from God so I can develop the ability to use this powerful computer.  Yes.  Sometimes I pray for seemingly trivial things.  And in this case, I am learning little by little.  I just want a clear mind and a good memory.

But when something goes wrong, I come unglued.  I don't handle it very well because I am so frustrated.

Maybe I should just change my prayer and pray that I will stay calm in distressful situations.  Patience is not one of the characteristics that I was born with--and I don't know that I have developed very much in the ensuing years.

I'm working on it.

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