Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Yesterday was a meltdown day.  My email was the first problem--and all of my personal emails are still going to "Junk."   I can deal with that.  Craig fixed the basic problem.

Then everything in the inbox vanished.  Craig came back over and fixed that.  It was something simple I should have known but I didn't. (Best son-in-law for the week--maybe for the year--maybe for all time, because I was so upset.)

But somewhere in the process, I lost the entire book I'm working on about my brother Bill's life in China.  Which I have been working on every day for three months.  Thousands and thousands of words, and notes of events to review.

My publisher called in the middle of all that to try and communicate and was coughing so horribly she couldn't continue.  Carona virus--I think. She had all the other symptoms.  I Begged her to go to the doctor.  She is supposed to call this morning at 11:00.  I bet she isn't going to be able to do that.  Stress!!

In the middle of all that, I called Pat and she said to drive to Jones, Ok. where she was working in their library--bring my computer.  I did, I drove there.

The road was blocked.  Had to turn around and go back to I-35 and take a roundabout.  Have you ever had the feeling the Devil was out to get you??

It took an hour or two, but Pat found two copies. Different copies with no date. I came home, paralleled them and page by page compared them until late in the night. And was able to put it together--and rectify almost all of what I had lost.

Yesterday--I lost the day.  Today is a new day.  I'm ready to start over.

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