Wednesday, May 27, 2020

There is a dragon in the streets.  All I know to do is stay home in as much as possible because very few people are particularly interested in protecting me from their germs when I go out by wearing a mask.  I do appreciate the plastic guard shields at checkout stations.  

I went to the post office to mail a package yesterday and they had plastic guards.  I had the attendant drop the change in my purse rather than hand me money.  She was glad to do so.  I do that at the drive-in food chains as well. 

Those of us who have income each month can't possibly feel the desperation of those who don't.  How will they feed their families?  What are they going to do?Watching the lines on TV at food distribution centers  reminds me of men lined up waiting for soup--back in the 40's.  They brought their own bowls.

So we have two sides to a desperate issue.  1. Those who want everyone to wear a mask and stay six feet apart--in hope that will slow the spread and they won't catch it--hoping they can make it until there is a vaccination.  2. And those who want to catch it and get it over with so that things can go back to normal and they can get back to work and feed their families. 

I personally am on both sides of that issue.  I'm sure you are too.  It's pretty heartbreaking seeing people who have lost their jobs, lost all income, and have taken to the streets because they are desperate and don't know what to do. 

It's also horrible to watch families separated from loved ones in nursing homes. 
This is a crisis--because we are Americans, and we don't know what to do.  Americans are supposed to have solutions to everything.  I don't have one.

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