Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sunday, the lesson was from Romans 14.1-19  I divided it into four parts--over how to get along with people who think different than you do.

1.  "Accept people who are weak in the faith."  Whoever.  They need the Christian fellowship.  You are the ones with the strength that God gives believers.  Share it.

2.  "Don't argue about disputed matters."  Being a Baptist, I want to dunk them.  (Buried with Christ in Baptism, raised to walk in the newness of life.) But some want to sprinkle.  If you are in Afghanistan and only have a helmet full of water...do your best.  Just stop arguing and live the life. 

3.  "Don't look down on those who don't do what you think they should do." The argument here was between Jews and Gentiles.  Jews wouldn't eat certain meats.  Sacrificial lamb, pork...  Gentiles did.  Jews worshiped on Saturday, Gentiles on Sunday.  Look at all the denominations in America that differ on piddly stuff.  The main thing should be the main thing.  Christ died for all of us.  We are all guilty.  We all need God.

4.  "Don't judge."  Now the author starts to meddle.  It is so easy to inspect someone else's life.  And there is nothing wrong with trying to help somebody who needs help.  But whatever they are doing wrong, leave the judging up to God.  You are not the instrument that God chooses to use for judgement. You are just the helper.  Christ said to get the beam out of your own eye before you try to take a speck out of another person's eye.

All four points need to be applied in America right now.  Accept people. Don't argue. Don't look down on others.  Don't judge.  We're in this together.  

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