Monday, May 25, 2020

Today, I remember all the young Marines I personally knew who didn't get to raise their children.  Who didn't get to come home. Who died in training exercises.  Or war.   I remember them--not just today.

Those who were in squadrons that Ken served with who went to Korea.  Who went to Viet Nam when half the country was burning their draft cards--they went because their country called them.  Did they want to go?  No.  But they did--and many didn't come home.

We have not had the draft since then.  Fifty or sixty years since then.  All of the military we have today are volunteers.  They go because they choose to serve.  And many die while doing it.

Both my sons were volunteers in the service of their country.

Ken said..."I serve at the pleasure of the president of the United States of America..."  Elected by the people of America.  And he served under a number of presidents in his twenty one years in the Marine Corps.

These who are willing to serve are the people we entrust with our future.

I can't watch a flag being raised without crying.

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